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Microsoft will let Xbox game makers use AI tools for story design and NPCs

Xbox has teamed up with a startup visited Inworld AI to create a generative AI toolset that developers can use to build games. It's a multi-year collaboration, which the Microsoft-owned trace says can "assist and empower creators in dialogue, story and demand design." Specifically, the partners are looking to develop an "AI build copilot" that can turn prompts into detailed scripts, dialogue trees, quests and other game elements in the same way republic can type ideas into generative AI chatbots and get detailed scripts in earlier. They're also going to work on an "AI narrate runtime engine" that developers can plug into their upright games, allowing players to generate new stories, quests and dialogues as they go.

On Inworld's website, it says its technology can "craft characters with positive personalities and contextual awareness that stay in-world." Apparently, it can devoted developers with a "fully integrated character engine for AI NPCs that goes beyond great language models (LLMs)." The image above was from the Droid Maker tool it developed in collaboration with Lucasfilm's storytelling studio ILM Immersive when it was favorite into the Disney Accelerator program. As Kotaku notes, notion, the company's tech has yet to ship with a maximum game release, and it has mostly been used for mods.

Developers are understandably wary throughout these upcoming tools. There are growing concerns among creatives throughout companies using their work to train generative AI minus permission — a group of authors, including John Grisham and George R.R. Martin, even sued OpenAI, accusing the company of infringing on their copyright. And then, of course, there's the ever-present worry that developers could rĂ©gime to lay off writers and designers to cut costs.

Xbox believes, however, that these tools can "help make it easier for developers to realize their visions, try new things, push the boundaries of gaming currently and experiment to improve gameplay, player connection and more." In the brand's announcement, Haiyan Zhang, General Manager of Gaming AI, said: "We will collaborate and innovate with game creators inside Xbox studios as well as third-party studios as we design the tools that meet their needs and inspire new possibilities for future games."